Citizens of the United States have the right to own a gun. However, they must do so through legal means. This means they have to acquire a gun permit and purchase their gun from a place where legal transactions are made. Individuals are able to purchase a handgun and a long gun. Long guns can include a rifle or a shotgun. For each gun, there may be a different permit that they have to possess to acquire possession of the gun. Assault rifles are banned in the state. However, if they were acquired before May 1, 1990, then they are allowed to be possessed. There are limits on the amount of magazine rounds that are allowed to be possessed with an assault rifle.
Where do I purchase a gun?
Guns should be purchased from a licensed dealer or a resident of the state to ensure it is a legal sale. If they are not purchased at these venues, they may not be registered in the system. This can be dangerous since it does not show that the person has a permit and does not account for who owns what gun. You can face consequences if you do not acquire a gun through legal means. When you purchase a gun, the gun will be registered with a permit to show that it is in your possession, allowing authorities to easily see who owns a gun if they were to commit a crime using it.
How do I apply for a gun purchase permit?
In the state of New Jersey, there are two firearm purchasing permits, including a Handgun Purchase Permit and a Firearm Purchaser Identification card. The first is to acquire a handgun while the latter is to purchase a long gun, rifle or shotgun. You must complete an application fro whichever permit you are looking to acquire. You may have to provide documents to support your identity and character. These documents can include a passport, a driver’s license, two references and an executed Consent for Mental Health Records Search. This process will also include a complete background check by the New Jersey state police and the FBI. A search will include an evaluation of mental health records, an investigation by local police and fingerprinting.
If you have been charged with a crime in New Jersey, it is essential to retain the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney. Contact the Law Office of Michael A. Policastro today to schedule a consultation so we can discuss your situation.