Many people are not aware of the consequences they may face if they are charged with a DWI. For many people, the loss of their driving privileges impacts their life in major ways. Losing your license may affect your ability to go to work, see your children, and more. As a result, it is important to understand the consequences of a DWI in New Jersey and what happens if you lose your driving privileges. If you are in this situation, you likely have questions regarding conditional licenses. Read on to learn more about conditional licenses in New Jersey.
What is a Conditional License?
If you have been charged with a DWI, you will lose your license for a period of time. In some states, if you can prove that you will face extreme hardship resulting from the loss of your license, you may be able to obtain what is called a conditional license. An example of hardship may be that you live far from work and there is no public transportation available, therefore, the loss of your license would prevent you from making a living. This is a temporary license that will allow you to drive to and from work. But, strict rules apply to this license, and it cannot be used as a replacement for a regular driver’s license.
Does New Jersey Offer a Conditional License After a DWI?
Unfortunately, New Jersey does not offer a conditional license for those charged with DWIs. New Jersey takes DWIs extremely seriously.
What if I Drive With a Suspended License?
If you are caught driving during the time your license is suspended, you may face incarceration. In the event that you are pulled over with a suspended license, you will need to retain the help of an experienced traffic violations attorney.
If you are facing DWI charges, contact our firm today. We are here to advocate for you and walk you through all of your criminal law matters, every step of the way. Do not hesitate to reach out and speak with an experienced and dedicated attorney.
Contact our experienced New Jersey firm
When someone is charged with a crime, they have a lot to consider. However, we understand that everyone makes mistakes, which is why we are here to help. No matter your circumstances, if you are facing criminal charges, contact the Law Offices of Michael A. Policastro today for the experienced legal counsel you deserve and need.