Penalties for Theft in NJ

Theft is a very serious charge in New Jersey that can follow convicted offenders for years down the road. Only after the individual convicted of a theft crime completes their sentence imposed by the court, they will have to face additional consequences that include having to face the conviction each time they wish to apply for a loan, a job, or even housing. In addition, if an individual is not a citizen of the United States but is convicted of theft while living here, they can be seriously affected as well.

Theft consequences are often determined by the value of the item or items that were stolen. These penalties are as follows:

  • Items valued at less than $200 may result in a disorderly persons offense, fines, restitution, and a maximum of 6 months of jail time
  • Items valued between $200 and $500 may result in a fourth-degree offense, restitution, fines, and a maximum of 18 months of jail time
  • Items valued between $500 and $75,000 may result in a third-degree offense, fines, restitution, and a maximum of 5 years of jail time
    • These consequences are the same if an individual steals a firearm, vehicle, blank prescription pad, or a controlled substance that weighs less than one kilogram
  • Items valued greater than $75,000 or include theft of a controlled substance greater than one kilogram may result in up to 10 years of jail time, fines, restitution, and a second-degree offense

If you have been charged with a crime in New Jersey, it is essential to retain the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney. Contact the Law Office of Michael A. Policastro today to schedule a consultation so we can discuss your situation. 

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